

Nat=0               # disable/enable transparent mode (intercepts all DNS queries sent by authorized clients)

State=0             # disable/enable DNS cache


[Servers]           # List of DNS servers to which the queries are forwarded to




[Clients]           # The clients that appear in the list can send DNS queries through the firewall



IPSEND=             # The IP address from which DNS cache send outgoing packets



SERVERNORANDOM=0    # Random querying of domain name servers (the firewall will select the DNS server at random from the server list) (default is 0)

cachesize=          # Represents how large the DNS cache will get (in bytes) before it refreshes (default is 1000000)



MinTTL=1800# Keep addresses at least this duration (in sec) since the last time it was seen by objectsync (if set to 0, will always use the TTL found in the DNS response)



# Examples of all sections and tokens available #



#Nat=0               # disable/enable transparent mode (intercepts all DNS queries sent by authorized clients)

#State=0             # disable/enable DNS cache


#[Servers]           # List of DNS servers to which the queries are forwarded to




#[Clients]           # The clients that appear in the list can send DNS queries through the firewall





#IPSEND=             # The IP address from which DNS cache send outgoing packets



#SERVERNORANDOM=0    # Random querying of domain name servers (the firewall will select the DNS server at random from the server list) (default is 0)

#cachesize=          # Represents how large the DNS cache will get (in bytes) before it refreshes (default is 1000000)

#DATALIMIT=# The maximum size allocated to the DNS cache (in bytes) (at least 110% of the cachesize) (default is 3000000)

#FORWARDONLY=0|1# If set, dnscache treats servers/@ as a list of IP addresses for other caches, not root servers.

## It forwards queries to those caches the same way that a client does, rather than contacting a chain of servers according to NS records. (default is 1)

#gid=# Run under this specified gid (default is 0)

#uid=# Run under this specified uid (default is 0)



#example.com# Name of the zone, for which there is a list of specific servers


#[example.com]# Will use these servers for this resolving *.example.com





#ROOT=<dir># dnscache runs chrooted in this directory (default is /var/dns)

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Data dodania:
17-12-2016 23:54:44

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