RelayState=0# disable/enable DHCPv4 relay
default-ltime=86400# default lease time in seconds: default duration for which stations will keep the same IP address (default is 86400)
max-ltime=604800# maximum lease time in seconds: maximum duration for which stations will keep the same IP address (default is 604800)
min-ltime=3600# minimum lease time in seconds: minimum duration for which stations will keep the same IP address (default is 600)
authoritative=1# DHCP Server is authoritative
RelayServers=# Servers to which the relay will send the queries (can be a host, a range or a hostgroup)
RelayInterfaceAll=0# The relay listens on all interfaces
RelayCMDlineOption=# additional DHCP relay command line parameters
# Examples of all sections and tokens available #
#State=0|1# disable/enable DHCPv4 server (default is 0)
#RelayState=0|1# disable/enable DHCPv4 relay (default is 0)
#port=67# Port number on which the DHCP server will listen for DHCP messages. The default port is 67 (if not 67, must be > 1024)
#lease-filename=<filename>#The specified filename is used to store leases. The default is /var/db/dhcpd.leases
#dns-update=0|1#Indictates whether dynamic updates should be sent to a DNS server
#dns-use-hostname=0|1 # If Enabled, use the hostname to idendify the client (choose the first available among fqdn.hostname, host-name)
#dns-update-hosts=0|1#If Enabled, DHCP server will perform a DNS update for clients specified with a fixed-address
#dns-allow-client-update=0|1 # Will allow(1)/Ignore(0) client intention to update its A record (default is 0)
#default-ltime=86400# default lease time in seconds: default duration for which stations will keep the same IP address (default is 86400)
#min-ltime=3600# minimum lease time in seconds: minimum duration for which stations will keep the same IP address (default is 600)
#max-ltime=604800# maximum lease time in seconds: maximum duration for which stations will keep the same IP address (default is 604800)
#ping-check=0|1# The server will ping the address to be offered to a client before issuing the offer.
#If no response is received, the offer is delivered; otherwise, the address is abandoned and no response is sent to the client.
#domain-name=# Domain name that client should use when resolving hostnames via DNS
#authoritative=# Indicated if the DHCP Server is authoritave or not
#custom-option1=<name>,<id>,(str|ip|ipv6|iparray|ipv6array),(<string>|<host name>|<host6 name>|<hostgroup name>|<hostgroup6 name>) #Custom user defined DHCP option1
#custom-option2=<name>,<id>,(str|ip|ipv6|iparray|ipv6array),(<string>|<host name>|<host6 name>|<hostgroup name>|<hostgroup6 name>) #Custom user defined DHCP option2
#wpad=0|1# If enabled, will activate web proxy autoconfiguration discovery
#DefaultGateway= # Global default gateway (overriden by gateways specified in ranges)
#dns1=<host># Primary DNS server
#dns2=<host># Secondary DNS server
#news=<host># News server
#ntp=<host># NTP server
#pop=<host># POP server
#smtp=<host># SMTP server
#tftp=<host># TFTP server
#wins=<host># WINS server
# Hosts with fixed IP (Used objects must have a mac attribute)
#RelayServers= # Servers to which the relay will send the queries (can be a host, a range or a hostgroup)
#RelayInterfaceAll=0|1 # The relay listens on all interfaces (default is 0)
#RelayCMDlineOption= # additional DHCP relay command line parameters
# All the interfaces (receive and forward) involved in the relay trafic should be listed in this section