download.cloudurl.netasq.com=,resolve=dynamic# CloudURL Download Server
cloudurl1.netasq.com=,resolve=dynamic# CloudURL Server 1
cloudurl2.netasq.com=,resolve=dynamic# CloudURL Server 2
cloudurl3.netasq.com=,resolve=dynamic# CloudURL Server 3
cloudurl4.netasq.com=,resolve=dynamic# CloudURL Server 4
cloudurl5.netasq.com=,resolve=dynamic# CloudURL Server 5
webupdate.stormshield.eu=,resolve=dynamic# Webupdate, used by Install Wizard
update1.stormshield.eu=,resolve=dynamic# Active Update Server 1
update2.stormshield.eu=,resolve=dynamic# Active Update Server 2
update3.stormshield.eu=,resolve=dynamic# Active Update Server 3
update4.stormshield.eu=,resolve=dynamic# Active Update Server 4
members.dyndns.org=,resolve=dynamic# DynDNS default Server
checkip.dyndns.org=,resolve=dynamic# DynDNS IP check Server
dynupdate.no-ip.com=,resolve=dynamic# No-IP default Server
ip1.dynupdate.no-ip.com=,resolve=dynamic# No-IP IP check Server
rfc4291_loopback=::1,resolve=static# IPv6 default loopback
dns1.google.com=,2001:4860:4860::8888# Google Public DNS Server
dns2.google.com=,2001:4860:4860::8844# Google Public DNS Server
autobackup.sns.stormshieldcs.eu=,resolve=dynamic# Autobackup
sandboxing1.stormshieldcs.eu=,resolve=dynamic# Sandboxing
sandboxing2.stormshieldcs.eu=,resolve=dynamic# Sandboxing
sandboxing3.stormshieldcs.eu=,resolve=dynamic# Sandboxing
sandboxing4.stormshieldcs.eu=,resolve=dynamic# Sandboxing
ntp1.stormshieldcs.eu=,resolve=dynamic# NTP Stormshield Cloud Services Server
ntp2.stormshieldcs.eu=,resolve=dynamic# NTP Stormshield Cloud Services Server
# syntax: name=address[/mask|/prefixlen][,localfirst=0|1][,color=RRGGBB]
# syntax: name=port1[-port2]/tcp|any|udp[,color=RRGGBB]
agent_ad=1301/tcp # SNS Agent for Active Directory
auth=113/tcp # Identification Protocol
bgp=179/tcp # Border Gateway Protocol
biff=512/udp #
bigbrother=1984/tcp # Big Brother monitoring
bittorrent=6881/any # BitTorrent peer to peer protocol
bittorrent_tcp=6881/tcp # BitTorrent peer to peer protocol over TCP
bittorrent_udp=6881/udp # BitTorrent peer to peer protocol over UDP
bootpc=68/udp # Bootstrap Protocol Client
bootps=67/udp # Bootstrap Protocol Server
cisco-sccp=2000/tcp # Cisco SCCP
citrix=1494/any # Citrix ICA Protocol
citrix_tcp=1494/tcp # Citrix ICA Protocol over TCP
citrix_udp=1604/udp # Citrix ICA Protocol over UDP
citrix-proxy=2598/tcp # Citrix Proxy Protocol
chargen=19/any # Character generator
chargen_tcp=19/tcp # Character generator over TCP
chargen_udp=19/udp # Character generator over UDP
cmd=514/tcp #
conference=531/tcp #
courier=530/tcp #
cryptocard=624/tcp # Cryptocard Server
daytime=13/any #
daytime_tcp=13/tcp #
daytime_udp=13/udp #
discard=9/any #
discard_tcp=9/tcp #
discard_udp=9/udp #
dns=53/any # Domain Name Server
dns_tcp=53/tcp # Domain Name Server over TCP
dns_udp=53/udp # Domain Name Server over UDP
echo=7/any #
echo_tcp=7/tcp #
echo_udp=7/udp #
edonkey=4662/any # eDonkey/eMule peer to peer protocol
edonkey_tcp=4662/tcp # eDonkey/eMule peer to peer protocol over TCP
edonkey_udp=4672/udp # eDonkey/eMule peer to peer protocol over UDP
efs=520/tcp # Extended File Name Server
epmap=135/any # DCE endpoint resolution
epmap_tcp=135/tcp # DCE endpoint resolution over TCP
epmap_udp=135/udp # DCE endpoint resolution over UDP
exec=512/tcp # Remote Process Execution
git=9418/tcp # GIT protocol
gnutella=6346/tcp # GnuTella peer to peer protocol
finger=79/tcp #
ftp=21/tcp # FTP, command
ftp-data=20/tcp # FTP, data
ftp_proxy=8083/tcp # File Transfer Protocol Proxy
ftps=990/tcp # Secure FTP, command
ftps-data=989/tcp # Secure FTP, data
gopher=70/tcp #
h323=1720/tcp # H.323, Teleconferencing Protocol
hostname=101/tcp # NIC Host Name Server
http=80/tcp # World Wide Web
http_proxy=8080/tcp # World Wide Web Proxy
https=443/tcp # HTTP over TLS/SSL
icap=1344/tcp # Internet Content Adaptation Protocol
oscar=5190/tcp # OSCAR-based IM: AIM or ICQ
imap=143/tcp # Internet Message Access Protocol
imaps=993/tcp # Secure Internet Message Access Protocol
ingreslock=1524/tcp #
ipp=631/tcp # Internet Printing Protocol
ipx=213/udp # IPX over IP
ipfix=4739/any # IPFIX
ipfix_secure=4740/any # IPFIX secure connections
irc=194/tcp # Internet Relay Chat Protocol RFC Port
irc_6667=6667/tcp # Internet Relay Chat Protocol Used Port
ircs=994/tcp # irc protocol over TLS/SSL
ircs_6697=6697/tcp # Internet Relay Chat Protocol over TLS/SSL Used Port
iso-tsap=102/tcp # ISO-TSAP Class 0
jabber=5222/tcp # XMPP/Jabber Instant Messenger
jabbers=5223/tcp # XMPP/Jabber over TLS/SSL
kerberos-adm=749/any # Kerberos administration
kerberos-adm_tcp=749/tcp # Kerberos administration over TCP
kerberos-adm_udp=749/udp # Kerberos administration over UDP
kerberos-iv=750/udp # Kerberos version IV
kerberos=88/any # Kerberos
kerberos_tcp=88/tcp # Kerberos over TCP
kerberos_udp=88/udp # Kerberos over UDP
klogin=543/tcp # Kerberos login
knetd=2053/tcp # Kerberos de-multiplexor
kpasswd=464/any # Kerberos (v5)
kpasswd_tcp=464/tcp # Kerberos (v5) over TCP
kpasswd_udp=464/udp # Kerberos (v5) over UDP
kpop=1109/tcp # Kerberos POP
kshell=544/tcp # Kerberos remote shell
l2tp=1701/udp # Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
ldap=389/tcp # Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
ldaps=636/tcp # LDAP over TLS/SSL
login=513/tcp # Remote Login
loopback_proxyssl=8085/tcp # Loopback for internal trafic of Proxy TLS/SSL
man=9535/tcp # Remote Man Server
mgcp_gateway=2427/udp # Media Gateway Control Protocol
mgcp_callagent=2727/udp # Media Gateway Control Protocol
mgcp_backhaul=2428/tcp # MGCP Backhaul
microsoft-ds=445/any # Microsoft CIFS
microsoft-ds_tcp=445/tcp # Microsoft CIFS over TCP
microsoft-ds_udp=445/udp # Microsoft CIFS over UDP
microsoft-ts=3389/tcp # Microsoft Terminal Server
msnmessenger=1863/tcp # MSN Messenger
monitor=561/udp #
ms-sql-m=1434/any # Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
ms-sql-m_tcp=1434/tcp # Microsoft-SQL-Monitor over TCP
ms-sql-m_udp=1434/udp # Microsoft-SQL-Monitor over UDP
ms-sql-s=1433/any # Microsoft-SQL-Server
ms-sql-s_tcp=1433/tcp # Microsoft-SQL-Server over TCP
ms-sql-s_udp=1433/udp # Microsoft-SQL-Server over UDP
mysql=3306/tcp # MySQL Database system
nameserver=42/any # Host Name Server
nameserver_tcp=42/tcp # Host Name Server over TCP
nameserver_udp=42/udp # Host Name Server over UDP
netbios-dgm=138/udp # NETBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-ns=137/any # NETBIOS Name Service
netbios-ns_tcp=137/tcp # NETBIOS Name Service over TCP
netbios-ns_udp=137/udp # NETBIOS Name Service over UDP
netbios-ssn=139/tcp # NETBIOS Session Service
netnews=532/tcp # Netnews / readnews
new-rwho=550/tcp # New Who
nfsd=2049/udp # NFS server
nicname=43/tcp #
nntp=119/tcp # Network News Transfer Protocol
nntps=563/tcp # nntp protocol over TLS/SSL
notes=1352/tcp # Lotus Notes
ntalk=518/udp #
ntp=123/udp # Network Time Protocol
opcua=4840/tcp # OPC-UA binary
oracle=1521/tcp # Oracle SQL
pcanywhere_data=5631/tcp # PC Anywhere
pcanywhere=5632/tcp # PC Anywhere
pcmail=158/tcp # PC Mail Server
phone=1167/tcp # Conference calling
pop2=109/tcp # Post Office Protocol - Version 2
pop3=110/tcp # Post Office Protocol - Version 3
pop3_proxy=8082/tcp # Post Office Protocol
pop3s=995/tcp # Secure Post Office Protocol - Version 3
postgresql=5432/tcp # PostgreSQL database system
pptp=1723/tcp # Point-to-point tunnelling protocol
print-srv=170/tcp # Network PostScript
printer=515/tcp #
qotd=17/any # Quote of the day
qotd_tcp=17/tcp # Quote of the day over TCP
qotd_udp=17/udp # Quote of the day over UDP
quake3=27960/udp # Quake 3
radacct=1813/udp # RADIUS accounting protocol
radius=1812/udp # RADIUS authentication protocol
remotefs=556/tcp #
rlp=39/udp # Resource Location Protocol
rmonitor=560/udp #
router=520/udp # Routing Information Protocol
rtelnet=107/tcp # Remote Telnet Service
rtsp=554/any # Real Time Stream Control Protocol
rtsp_tcp=554/tcp # Real Time Stream Control Protocol over TCP
rtsp_udp=554/udp # Real Time Stream Control Protocol over UDP
modbus=502/tcp # Modbus over TCP
sip=5060/any # Session Initiation Protocol
sip_udp=5060/udp # Session Initiation Protocol over UDP
sip_tcp=5060/tcp # Session Initiation Protocol over TCP
sips=5061/tcp # SIP over TLS
slp=427/udp # Service Location Protocol
smc=1754/tcp # SMC server connection port
smtp=25/tcp # Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
submission=587/tcp # SMTP with authentication
smtp_proxy=8081/tcp # Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
smtps=465/tcp # Simple Mail Transfer Protocol over TLS/SSL
snmp=161/udp # SNMP
snmptrap=162/udp # SNMP trap
smux=199/any # SNMP Unix Multiplexer
smux_tcp=199/tcp # SNMP Unix Multiplexer over TCP
smux_udp=199/udp # SNMP Unix Multiplexer over UDP
socks=1080/tcp # SOCKS proxy
squid=3128/tcp # Squid Proxy
ssdp=1900/udp # Simple Service Discovery Protocol
ssh_udp=22/udp # Secure Shell Login
ssl_proxy=8084/tcp # Proxy TLS/SSL
subversion=3690/tcp # Subversion version control system
sunrpc=111/any # SUN Remote Procedure Call
sunrpc_tcp=111/tcp # SUN Remote Procedure Call over TCP
sunrpc_udp=111/udp # SUN Remote Procedure Call over UDP
syslog=514/udp #
syslog-conn=601/tcp # Syslog over TCP
syslog-tls=6514/tcp # Syslog over TLS
systat=11/tcp # Active users
t120=1503/tcp # T.120 Data Conferencing
talk=517/udp #
tacacs=49/any # Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
tacacs_tcp=49/tcp # Terminal Access Controller Access Control System over TCP
tacacs_udp=49/udp # Terminal Access Controller Access Control System over UDP
teamspeak_tcp=8765/tcp # Teamspeak over TCP
teamspeak_udp=8766/udp # Teamspeak over UDP
teamviewer=5938/tcp # Teamviewer over TCP
teamviewer_udp=5938/udp # Teamviewer over UDP
telnet=23/tcp #
telnets=992/tcp # telnet protocol over TLS/SSL
tempo=526/tcp #
teredo=3544/udp # Teredo IPv6 tunneling protocol
tftp=69/udp # Trivial File Transfer Protocol
time=37/any #
time_tcp=37/tcp #
time_udp=37/udp #
timed=525/udp #
uucp=540/tcp #
uucp-path=117/tcp #
vnc=5900/tcp # VNC protocol
who=513/udp #
wins=1512/any # Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service
wins_tcp=1512/tcp # Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service over TCP
wins_udp=1512/udp # Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service over UDP
x11=6000-6063/any # X Window System
x11_tcp=6000-6063/tcp # X Window System over TCP
x11_udp=6000-6063/udp # X Window System over UDP
xstop=13111/tcp # XStop Server
yahoomessenger=5050/tcp # Yahoo messenger
zenworks=1761/tcp # Novell Zenworks Remote Control
vmware=902/tcp # vmware
ldap_udp=389/udp # ldap udp
ldap-gc=3268/tcp # Active Directory LDAP GC
ldap-gcssl=3269/tcp # Active Directory LDAP GC SSL
ad2003-dyn_tcp=1025-5000/any # Active Directory 2003 dynamic ports
ad2008-dyn_tcp=49152-65535/any # Active Directory 2008 dynamic ports
microsoft-dfs=5722/tcp # Active Directory File Replication
microsoft-adsoap=9389/tcp # Active Directory DS Web Services
madcap=2535/udp # madcap protocol
afp=548/any # Apple Filing Protocol
afp_udp=548/udp # Apple Filing Protocol over UDP
afp_tcp=548/tcp # Apple Filing Protocol over TCP
hkp=11371/any # OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver
hkp_udp=11371/udp # OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver over UDP
hkp_tcp=11371/tcp # OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver over TCP
sslvpn=443/tcp # default sslvpn service
ethernetip=44818/any # EtherNet/IP enip
ethernetip_tcp=44818/tcp # EtherNet/IP over TCP enip
ethernetip_udp=44818/udp # EtherNet/IP over UDP enip
# syntax: name=proto
# read only: icmp, igmp, tcp, udp, gre, vpn-esp, vpn-ah
# based on: http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xml
ggp=3# Gateway-Gateway Protocol
ipencap=4# IPv4 encapsulation
egp=8# Exterior Gateway Protocol
igp=9# any private interior gateway (Cisco: for IGRP)
hmp=20# Host Monitoring Protocol
rdp=27# Reliable Datagram Protocol
ipv6encap=41# IPv6 encapsulation
rsvp=46# Resource ReSerVation Protocol
swipe=53# IP with encryption
mobile=55# IP Mobility
icmpv6=58# ICMP for IPv6
ipv6-nonxt=59# No Next Header for IPv6
eigrp=88# Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
ospf=89# Open Shortest Path First
ipip=94# IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol
etherip=97# Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation
encap=98# Encapsulation Header
pim=103# Protocol Independent Multicast
ipcomp=108# IP Payload Compression Protocol
vrrp=112# Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
l2tp=115# Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
sctp=132# Stream Control Transmission Protocol
divert=258# Divert pseudo-protocol [non IANA]
operator=ne # ne: different of ; eq: equal to